Friday, April 9, 2010

Application For Relations (I wrote this a while ago as a joke)

(circle one of the following)

Sex: No Thanks I’m Abstaining                  Male                    Female

Age: 1-18                20’s                     Old

Astronomical sign:         Leo            Virgo           Ford            Taurus         Mercury

(check all that apply)
Walks on the beach under the stars
Playing with race cars
Watching power rangers on a rainy night
Painting dinosaurs/ponys/ponysaurs
Staring deeply into each others eyes for extended periods of time
Staying up really late jumping rope after eating cheesy mac
Prolonged joint contact
Affinity for lion-boy-men
Training dolphins
Takin left turns
Singing loudly to musical soundtracks mama mia

Fish sticks
Killer shark laser monsters
Round house kicks to the face
Boys in short shorts
Pot smokin wigwam hippies
Even numbers
Poison arrow tree frogs in your pantalones
Sharing a Barbie tent
Paper cuts in between all of your fingers
Talking about paper cuts
High heeled flip-flops
Freakin huge Harry Potter books

Rate your looks:
Yes      No

Favorite color:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Purple

Spell acetaminophen backwards without looking left handed?

Were you peeking? ;-)

If you were a baked good what would you be? and why?

What does apple crisp mean to you?

If you could wish for one thing besides me what would it be? and why?


Have you ever stepped on a jelly fish?

Describe you dream date in one word or less?

If you we on a stranded on a desserted island would you

a. Give me all the coconuts
b. Kick me in the shins and run away
c. Bacon
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
f. Maybe
g. Other ____________

Given a jar of playdough and a daisy how many pancakes does it take to row row your boat backwards?

Tell me your biggest secret through interpretive dance? (live or video)


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